Wednesday, February 17, 2010

40 Trash Bag Lenten Challenge

I think this is a wonderful idea that Ann posted about on her blog.  I am not Catholic (Presbyterian girl here), but whether or not you follow the challenge for religious reasons, the outcome will be fabulous either way.  Can you imagine getting rid of 40 bags of stuff?!  It would be a drop in the bucket of what I need to get rid of in my house, but it would certainly be a step in the right direction.  If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please follow the link and join in.  40 Trash Bag Lenten Challenge  I am joining!  If you join please let me know how it goes for you.  :)


  1. How fun!! I am taking a HUGE box of goodies to the Salvation ARmy today. I would love to be rid of 40 bags!! Less is MORE!

  2. I definitely could stand to get rid of 40 bags of stuff!

  3. 40 bags would definately be good for this house!

  4. I absolutely love this idea! Thank you for sharing it with us!!

    One of my hobbies is organizing! Oh there is just nothing like the feeling of getting rid of clutter and walking into a closet, etc. where everything is in it's place! Love that feeling!

    It is so nice to meet you! :)

    Many Blessings,


  5. Just got your comment, and I will sign up for the challenge too! I already have one from my own closet. Thanks for the tip. I'm not Catholic either, I'm Jewish by way of conversion! (takes all kinds!)

  6. OK... After I get well, I am going to work on that. Most of the bags will be of old papers and things the boys made that I just can't get rid of. And where are they? Stuffed in drawers where I am not enjoying them anyway. I've heard of taking pictures of them to save...

  7. I am going to think about this..I would LOVE to do it...but can I?????
