Saturday, January 1, 2011

Life Goals 2011

Happy New Year!  2011, you have got to be kidding?  Can someone just explain to me where the last decade two decades have gone?  I am starting off the new year posting my goals for 2011.  One of my goals is to blog regularly.  Thanks for all of you who have stuck with me, through some big gaps in blogging.

I have to admit that I cheated a bit and used my Life Goals from 2007 (that I found while in the home office) as a starting point for this coming year.  I promise to do a monthly Goal Review (and encourage you all to do the same) to assess progress.  

1) Spiritual:
*Attend church regularly 
*Visit at least THREE other Presbyterian churches to see if we can find one we like that is closer to us
*Say prayers before bed 

2)  Financial:  
*Follow Dave Ramsey Steps
*Make a monthly spending plan and track ALL expenses
*Use envelope system for certain spending categories
*Boys commission (chore charts)
*Monthly budget meeting

3)  Fitness/Health:  
*Do a month long detox (starting next week under the advisement of a nurtrionist)
*Chiropractor appts
*Exercise 90 min per week
*Healthy eating

4)  Beauty:  
*Morning/Evening routine
*Manicures/Pedicures monthly
*Schedule brow wax every 6 weeks
*Keep nails polished

5)  Home:  
*Make home binders
*Keep house clean (daily tasks)
*Keep better laundry schedule
*Organize office and closets
*Make a list of decorating/painting needs and set a schedule

6)  Career:
*Organize Module Binders
*Continue on BCT

7)  Family:
*Weekly date night with Greg
*Family game night 3x/month (each boy decides plan for night)
*Greg and Sherrie overnight getaway 2x/year
*Family vacation
*Plan  thoughtful holiday/birthday celebrations

8)  Personal:  
*Blog regularly here at Organizing Diva and my family blog  My Life With Boys
*Plan dinners out with GFs and Mom
*GNO monthly
*Dinner w/ friends

9)  Hobbies:
*Project 365
*Scrapbooking-plan one night per month to scrap
*Take a class at the Scrapbook Store
*Organize scrap supplies and set up an area for scrapping
*Make 10 layouts for each boy for 2011

10)  Menu planning:  
*Monthly menu plan
*Weekly menus
*Grocery lists
*Inventory freezer
*Inventory pantry
*Clip coupons

What are your goals for 2011? 



  1. I love your goals... They are all attainable! Think I may tweak yours a bit to better suit me. Thanks for the ideas!

  2. Sounds good goals. A new follower form Meet & Follow Sunday.

    You can visit here

  3. I envy you. I really need to do this.

    Happy New Year!!

    Fellow Blog Hopper:)

  4. All the best on your goals! Dave Ramsey works!

  5. I found you on the blog hop. I love that you don't put it as New Years resoluions but as life goals. Because that is more what it is and if you think of it that way you are more likely to keep working on them.
    Come check out my blogs at
    I'm also a editor for a fun blogging magazine at

  6. Thanks so much for sharing your goals with us. We are also following Dave Ramsey's plan this year. My husband found his book on-line and read it cover to cover in a couple of days and it completely changed his way of thinking about money. I just started reading it. We found out that you can get a free copy of his book if you register on his website. We had no idea until a package came in the mail a few days after my husband registered. We are really looking forward to cleaning up our debt and getting rid of our credit cards!! It was very difficult telling our son that we can't afford to send him to the college that he wants to attend because we were counting on financial assistance but now found out we don't qualify because my husband makes too much money. HAH!! I imagine that!! We live in New York and he does make a decent living but we have put ourselves in a financial hole due to poor financial decisions. We don't want to live like this anymore. This country is in the midst of a huge mess due to Americans living way above their financial means. For the next couple of years we'll be "living like no one else so we can live like no one else" in the future. I know his saying goes something like that. : )

    Take care, God bless and have a happy and healthy and prosperous New Year. I look forward to following your blogs throughout the coming year!!

    ~ Wendy
